If you’re accessing CHUL on a Desktop/App, click on the social icon "Login with Google" or "Login with FaceBook", this will automatically create your account. Since you have logged in through your social profile hence NO PASSWORD is needed. Just remeber your login account email id.
To contact the Support team, go to the ‘Contact Us’ section from the Menu or from the footer link on our website and send us a question. You can also write to us directly at [email protected]. We'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Due to payment gateway issue sometime payment got delayed. In that case please go to the ‘Contact Us’ section from the Menu or from the footer link on our website or write to us at [email protected] from your registered email id which was used to login to the Chul App. We will check the details and activate your account on priority.
usually it take 1-12 Hours of time activate your account after verfiying your payment. If your email was not answered in 6 hours then you can again send the request. Please do not send multiple emails before that duration of 6 hours.
As a per policy, PrimeShots does not offer any partial or full refunds. In case if users require any assistance with regards to payments or have any queries/concerns, they can contact us [email protected]. Please read our Refund Policy before making any payments.
Follow the below steps on Chul App and Websites.
1. Web Browser: If you are a registered user, click on the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ on the top menu of the website to go to the ‘Subscription’ page. On the ‘Subscription’ page, you’ll see various subscription plans. Selects the plan you want and go to the ‘Payment Options’ page. Pay up and enjoy!
2. Android App: If you are a registered user then Tap on the Menu icon on Top left corner then click ‘Subscribe’ option, you’ll be redirected to ‘Subscription’ page. On the ‘Subscription’ Page you’ll see multiple subscription plans. Select the plan and go to the ‘Payment Options’ page. Pay up and enjoy!
The subscription will be activated Immediately after payment confirmation in our records. If in case, your subscription is not activated we request you to please contact our customer support team on [email protected] along with the transaction receipt and we will activate your subscription on priority.
Try relaunching the App or go to the website and check if the subscription details appear under the ‘My Account’ section. If you still can't see the details, please contact our support team from the ‘Contact Us' Section, or write to [email protected].
Currently iOS app is not avilable. You can open https://chul.app in any browser in IOS device and use your subscription plan.
Please check if you have updated the App and if the app is updated we request you to do the below few steps on your side.
1 . Clear your local storage and cache of the App.
2 . Uninstall the current app.
3 . Reinstall the updated app from the play store
4 . login into the app